Poppies, The Spring Shopping Mall

The Poppies Store at the Spring shopping mall called for the renovation of 350sqm of retail space showcasing infant and childcare products. The Client’s requirements were to reorganize a large and varied range of products, provide a strong brand identity for the store, and to create a more high-end ambience. Given the modest budget, the design focused on simplifying and de-cluttering, and where possible retaining as many existing elements as possible to bring down the cost.

The storefront was of particular concern to the Client. The response was to create a metal screen that played a game of hide-and-seek depending on where you stood. The circle elements in the Poppies logo were also integrated into the screen as a motif, as well as throughout the store layout. Within, whimsical “clouds” animated the existing ceiling. Lighting throughout the store was also improved.

A restrained palette of white, grey and light wood floors was used as a foil against the colourful merchandise and product gondolas, which were often in primary colours.

Location :
The Spring, Kuching, Sarawak
Project Team:
Alan Lau & Michelle Lau
Photographs taken by :
IDC Architects
Category :
Hospitality & Retail